Jumat, 08 Agustus 2014

Pig farms in Arab countries

Peternakan babi di negara-negara Arab

Pig farms in Arab countries


In Israel- The pig farms will move to Ibillin, other northern cities and towns currently allowed to host pig farms include Nazareth, Kafr Yasif and Mi'ilya
Most in the Muslim world consider pigs unclean animals and do not eat pork because of religious restrictions. They are banned entirely in some Muslim countries including Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and Libya.
However in other parts of the Muslim world, pigs are often raised by religious minorities who can eat pork.
In Jordan, the government decided to shut down the country's five pig farms, involving 800 animals, for violating public health safety regulations. Half the pigs will be killed and the rest will be relocated to areas away from the population, officials said.
In Egypt, pigs are raised and consumed mainly by the Christian minority, which some estimates put at 10% of the population.

Nevertheless, a number of supermarkets in Dubai have pork sections. Signposted as being for “Non-Muslims only” — but there are no ID checks or interrogations of the buyers — these are especially common in the parts of town where Western expats are concentrated.

One such supermarket is mere minutes from my front door, where a corner of the supermarket sells several kinds of pork products. But in Dubai, the true… um… Mecca of infidel dining is the Waitrose supermarket in the Dubai Mall.

An Egyptian farmer watches his pigs 
at a private farm in Cairo Egypt AP

Di Israel-The peternakan babi akan pindah ke Ibillin, kota-kota utara lainnya dan kota-kota saat ini diperbolehkan untuk peternakan babi termasuk Nazareth, Kafr Yasif dan Mi'ilya.

Sebagian besar
di dunia Muslim menganggap babi hewan haram dan tidak makan daging babi karena pembatasan agama. Mereka dilarang sepenuhnya di beberapa negara Muslim, termasuk Arab Saudi, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Uni Emirat Arab dan Libya.

Namun di bagian lain dunia Muslim, babi sering diajukan oleh kelompok minoritas agama yang bisa makan daging babi.

Di Yordania, pemerintah memutuskan untuk menutup lima peternakan babi di negara itu, melibatkan 800 hewan, karena melanggar peraturan keamanan kesehatan masyarakat. Setengah babi akan dibunuh dan sisanya akan direlokasi ke daerah yang jauh dari penduduk, kata para pejabat.

Di Mesir, babi dibiakkan dan dikonsumsi terutama oleh minoritas Kristen, yang beberapa perkiraan menempatkan pada 10% dari populasi.

Salah satu supermarket tersebut hanya beberapa menit dari pintu depan saya, di mana sudut supermarket menjual beberapa jenis produk daging babi.

Namun demikian, sejumlah supermarket di Dubai memiliki bagian daging babi. Tanda diposting sebagai untuk "hanya Non-Muslim" - tetapi tidak ada pemeriksaan ID atau interogasi dari pembeli - ini terutama sering terjadi pada bagian-bagian kota di mana ekspatriat Barat terkonsentrasi.

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